Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Another Star Trek, Another Flop

Reluctant to watch Star Trek for the umpteenth time due to a class requirement, I was hopeful, albeit slightly, due to the fact that this was the new version that came out last year. Yet again, I found myself wishing I could watch almost any other film instead.

What amazes me is that this series has continued and flourished since the sixties and has been made into countless full length films for, ummm, enjoyment? I just don't get it! The film is full of the most overused and cliche lines and scenarios that it is completely predictable from the opening sequence. I wish I could say that there was some shred of something that I enjoyed- well actually there was. Visually, the film was well done. The budget must have been quite large and the special effects team was quite brilliant in order to pull off such amazing sequences, however, it did little to save the film from the ruin that was inevitable.

I remember hearing in some review that this version would be enjoyed by almost all people, including people who knew little or nothing of the history of Star Trek, especially the younger generations, however I feel that that was just another media ploy to try to attract non-Trekies into the clan. It fell flat on nearly every level for me. The plot, subplots and settings were all predictable. The boy going through the tough, rebellious stages of life and saving the day in the end is tired and played out. The revenge seeking bad guy has been done a million times. The film could have been spectacular if it had tried to think outside the realm of common conventions, but conforming and using tired story lines did nothing for it's success and ultimately lead to the overall feeling of "flop".

1 comment:

  1. Sorry you didn't like it! Good reasons for not though. :)
