Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Another Journey Begins

Many have heard the saying; As one door closes another one opens. This is the simple rhythm of life. The ebb and flow of the tide, the rise and fall of the sun and moon. Life changes seasons as mother nature does and we grow and acclimate to those changes as best we can. Winter may be beautiful from inside, but can be too bitter cold to brave outdoors. And so we learn to take these changes as they come, learning to accept them for what they are, knowing that there is little that we can do do to change the forces of nature. We can, however, change the course of our lives. We can make the changes that lead us down the paths we choose, giving us the power to be the masters of our own destiny.

My husband and I have been married for nearly nine years, and during that time we have grown as strong as an oak tree. When we met, and for some years after, all we had was our burning love for each other. We fell in love as quickly as a flower blooms in the spring, but that love has stayed the most constant factor in our forever changing lives. Being dual military and both trying to recover from some serious, lets say issues, we didn't stand much of a chance. But the sheer determination and love that we shared pulled us through two deployments in Iraq, the birth of two children, near poverty, at least six moves including one overseas and back, marital issues and combat related injuries. Nothing has been able to shake the bond that we have built with each other.

We continue to move through life, taking everything it has thrown at us in stride, laughing and loving along the way, the only thing we know how to do. Failure is not an option for either of us. We simply will succeed because we want to. We are spontaneous, generous, passionate, determined and headstrong. All of those qualities have lead us to the point where we are at today. Which is funny, because as with every other major part of our lives, we made another completely spontaneous decision last week. We bought a house. Our first house. We called the listing agent, made an appointment to look at it and made an offer. We have done this many times before; with our cars, with moving, with deciding to have another child. We just turn to each other and know that the other is thinking the same thing, then jump in head first. It is simply who we are and we wouldn't change anything.

We both realize that we are a lucky pair. We have endured a tremendous amount and have come through with more love and determination on the other side. But it is not that we must succeed and so we just push through a miserable existence. The love we share is so pure, so simple and yet, so complex. It is a joy to wake up next to my husband every morning and to fall asleep with him at night. He is my best friend and keeps me laughing, even when I don't want to. He wipes my tears away and is patient with me when I am fitful. We support each other on every level, making the bond we share stronger with each conversation and experience. My parents have been a driving force in our commitment to succeed as well. They are a prime example of a real working marriage, with all its beautiful flaws and perfections. Their coaching has made it possible for us to make it through the most trying times in our marriage and we try to acknowledge them as much as we can. They have taught us that it is a give and take system, working in harmony. That above all else, you must learn to listen and communicate. It seems simple enough, but when you are determined to be right and prove your point, the other person can never be heard.

We would not be where we are now without the support of the special people in our lives. We try to make the most of each day that we have together and to set an example to our own children. We live each day with love and laughter, thanking those around us as much as we can. As we embark on this new season, we look back on the roads that have led us to this point and realize that, through all the many ups and downs, we would not change a single thing, for all of those experiences have shaped who we are today.


  1. Congrats on the house, Megan!! When will you be moving? You'll have to shoot me an email with more details!

  2. Will do! How are you? We should grab coffee soon!
